Catriona Matthew is latest golf star to use CBD to calm nerves

Catriona Matthew has joined fellow major winners Bubba Watson and Lucas Glover in starting to use Golfer's CBDCatriona Matthew has joined fellow major winners Bubba Watson and Lucas Glover in starting to use Golfer's CBD
Catriona Matthew has joined fellow major winners Bubba Watson and Lucas Glover in starting to use Golfer's CBD
Catriona Matthew OBE is also now in golf’s CBD camp.

The Solheim Cup captain has joined fellow major winners Bubba Watson and Lucas Glover in turning to CBD, which is short for cannabidiol, to help out on the golf course.While cannabidiol is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant, the product does not contain the banned THC, which is the psychoactive compound in marijuana that gives a high sensation.As long as the illegal cannabinoids are removed, CBD products are legal in the UK and categorised as a food supplement, with CBD products having been approved for use by WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) since 1 January, 2018.

After extensive research, Matthew has been reassured over the safety and legality of Golfer’s CBD and believes the use of the products will become as common as protein shakes and fitness workouts.

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“I must admit, I was slightly nervous until I researched it all,” said the North Berwick woman. “A first reaction was that it was cannabis, but it’s not. In my conversations, I obviously had to be absolutely certain that it is WADA-approved.

“But I think it will become more and more mainstream. Most athletes take protein shakes these days and 25 years ago, nobody did fitness as they thought it was bad for the golf swing. Everything evolves as people gain a better understanding.”

Two-time Masters champion Watson and 2009 US Open winner Glover started using CBD within the last 18 or so months, while Champions Tour player Scott McCarron is another proponent.

“It’s very exciting,” added Matthew, who has become an official brand ambassador and product development adviser. “I started using the products about six months ago and it’s been very beneficial for me.

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“I’ve been doing a lot of fitness lately and recovery-wise, it’s been working great for me but there are the mental benefits, too.

“There have been instances in the past when I’ve been nervous over a putt and not put my best stroke on it or not been able to control those nerves in a particular moment. These products will help.

“It's something I will definitely use going forward in tournaments. You sometimes think back to those occasions where having that extra bit of control over those nerves on a shot here or a shot there might have made a big difference.”

Matthew, who will lead Europe’s Solheim Cup defence in Ohio in September, believes amateurs can also benefit from using CBD.

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She went on: “Anyone at the top level of sport will tell you that they do feel that anxiety and nerves in certain situations. The ones who do the best are the ones who cope with it the best.

“So much of golf is between the ears and it doesn’t matter what level you are playing at. You could be feeling nervous in your monthly medal or you have a putt to break 90 for the first time. I think this can definitely help.”

Golfer’s CBD director, Andy Dixon, said: “It’s fantastic to have an ambassador of Catriona’s standing to endorse our products. Her huge knowledge and enthusiasm has been a major benefit and this partnership can only help us in getting the message out to more people.”

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