Gray kicks off the league season away to St Mirren.Gray kicks off the league season away to St Mirren.
Gray kicks off the league season away to St Mirren. | SNS Group

Hibs league openers for past TEN seasons - and does a fast start matter?

Three points on opening day everybody’s aim

Day One. Nobody has so much as a single point on the board. Everybody has everything to play for. And the possibilities are, well, not quite endless. But certainly numerous.

The SPFL ‘Super Computer’ churning out the fixtures for season 2024-25 in the Scottish Premiership gives us an opportunity to consider the importance of making a bright start to any league campaign. Everybody understands the value, in terms of setting a tone and maintaining morale, of ending the opening weekend sitting on three points out of three.

But did you know that, until they were turned over at Easter Road at the start of last season, Hibs had won their opening league fixture for SIX straight seasons? It’s true. And would you say that every one of those campaigns was a paragon of over-achievement and joy?

On the most basic level, with Celtic visiting Edinburgh on Match Day 2 of the new league season, David Gray will understand the importance of having points on the board for that game. Which means St Mirren away takes on a little extra importance.

But let’s take a look at the last ten years of opening league fixtures for Hibs. And assess whether a fast/slow/disastrous start impacted on the campaign that followed.

But did you know that, until they were turned over at Easter Road at the start of last season, Hibs had won their opening league fixture for SIX straight seasons? It’s true. And would you say that every one of those campaigns was a paragon of over-achievement and joy?