‘Pump it out before they charge folk for a paddle’ – Evening News readers react to the giant puddle in East Princes Street Gardens

The water has collected in East Princes Street Gardens (Picture: Lisa Ferguson)The water has collected in East Princes Street Gardens (Picture: Lisa Ferguson)
The water has collected in East Princes Street Gardens (Picture: Lisa Ferguson)
A huge pool of water has gathered in Princes Street Gardens, where the Nor Loch used to be, following the weekend’s storm. Readers were quick to apportion blame, and suggest suggest some uses for the new ‘pond’.

Pump it out, quick, before Underbelly fence it off and charge folk for a paddle.

Lucien Romano

They are probably hoping it will freeze over so they can use it as an ice rink next year.

Residents could soon have to pay for replacment bins (Picture: Jane Barlow)Residents could soon have to pay for replacment bins (Picture: Jane Barlow)
Residents could soon have to pay for replacment bins (Picture: Jane Barlow)

Bob Burnett

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It looked like this even before the storm – absolute disgrace. Six weeks after Underbelly left and nothing has been touched in the lower gardens

Caroline Hunter

It’s the same every year, because the council can’t lay new turf until the weather improves. Underbelly pay – it’s in the contract.

Nicky Hamilton-Smith

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Storm Ciara leaves Princes Street Garden looking like they are 'restoring the No...

It will only be down a few months before it’s damaged again

Paul Krol

Maybe we should reinstate the Nor Loch then Underbelly can have a floating Christmas market.

Diarmid Martin

We should round up a few witches and put it to good use while it’s here.

Michelle Orr

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‘Rain collects on ground’ can now be added to the things people blame on Edinburgh Council I guess.

Fraser Shepherd

Gross vandalism on the part of the council. This is publicly owned land and it is charged with looking after it on our behalf. As with everything else these clowns touch it ends in disaster.

David Black

It would be nice if they could put wee boats on it.

Linda Smith

It’s the new communal pool for when the council cuts kick in.

Graham Mitchell

Bin there, done that

In other new, council bosses have forked out £324,000 in the space of 12 months to replace waste and recycling bins amid speculation that residents could be told pick up the bill.

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I have no issue paying for a bin that I have damaged but the collectors take no care in chucking them about, or leaving them to blow up the street when it’s windy rather than place in a garden or driveway. I’m also sure that I cover this cost anyway through my council tax.

Michele Liston

I had to replace my food waste a couple of times last year as it was damaged due to workers throwing it down. And my last replacement came already damaged at the hinge.

Justine Bradd

If you start charging for bins you would find people will just stop recycling.

Margaret Cummings

I actually watched a bin man this morning emptying my food bin then launch it on to the pavement. So perhaps council leaders could tell them to take more care and then money could be saved, because when the next food bin gets broken I will just put any food into the grey bin.

Derek Mason

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I got my new food recycling bin from the Sighthill recycling centre plastic waste skip! there were loads in there in perfect order.

Susan Randall

I don’t use a food waste bucket any more as I just throw the leftovers in the back garden for the birds and foxes.

Alex Pickup

My food waste caddy usually comes back like an Exocet missile after it has been emptied by the bin men.

Kevin Connolly

A few years back saw my bin come off the grab contraption and fall into the lorry. I chased the lorry and was told they’d noticed it. Assured me they would report it and organise a new bin for me. Not an ounce of truth in what they said. If that happens in the future would I have to pay?

Ken Randall

Is there a special course to train them how to throw the bins as far as possible?

Christopher Arkle