​It’s time that women took over running the world - Fiona Duff

Fiona DuffFiona Duff
Fiona Duff
​​I often wonder what the world would be like if most countries were run by women.

Right now it seems that anyone with a bomb is threatening to send it over to a neighbour, but not in a very neighbourly way.

What is it with these men in power wanting to annex other states? For goodness sake, they can hardly look after the land that they are in charge of just now.

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I mean – would you want to live in North Korea, China or Russia? So many of the population are on the bread line, by which I mean quite literally that they are having to queue for hours for a loaf; life is hard having to slave away in order to survive.

Why do they want to thrust that sort of existence on other people?

It is a bit like friends I know who thought it would be a good idea to invest in property which they could let out.

As far as I can see it is just a pain in the backside – either you have to spend your time hunting down a plumber to sort out a leaky tap or chase the tenants to ask them to pay the rent.

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Of course you can just get a company to manage them for you, but they have to make a buck, so it’s probably £50 to change a lightbulb.

Imagine if instead of a couple of flats you had to manage 200 square miles of extra land.

If you tried to do it well you wouldn’t have any hours left in the day for a cup of tea, time to watch Pointless or even get a few hours of kip.

However, if we of the fairer sex were in charge there would be so much less aggression.

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