Ethnicity pay gap is unacceptable - Foysol Choudhury

Foysol Choudhury MSP sponsored an Anti-Racism in the Third and Voluntary Sector drop-in session at the Scottish ParliamentFoysol Choudhury MSP sponsored an Anti-Racism in the Third and Voluntary Sector drop-in session at the Scottish Parliament
Foysol Choudhury MSP sponsored an Anti-Racism in the Third and Voluntary Sector drop-in session at the Scottish Parliament
Sadly, many people in businesses, the third sector and public organisations across Scotland face racial abuse and discrimination. Some statistics show that ethnic minorities in Scotland face an almost 10 per cent ethnicity pay gap – this is unacceptable.

We must also do more to ensure that ethnic minorities are given fair, equal pay and that there are supportive reporting mechanisms in place for those who want to report racism. Only by doing this can we stamp out the scourge of racism from our businesses and public institutions and have true anti-racist approaches in our workplaces.

Many third sector organisations are leading the way with this work, as I saw recently when I hosted an Anti-Racism in the Third and Voluntary Sector drop-in session at the Scottish Parliament. North Edinburgh Arts, with support from Passion4Fusion and Project Esperanza, presented their work to other third sector and voluntary organisations on delivering North Edinburgh Arts’ Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Plan. Watching the presentation from North Edinburgh Arts, Passion4Fusion and Project Esperanza showed us what can be achieved in the third sector, to ensure that our organisations are not only non-racist, but break down racist barriers to ensure they are truly anti-racist.

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The clear call is that anti-racism is something we should all work towards together, not something to leave solely to black-led or ethnic minority organisations to implement. We must condemn all forms of racism and discrimination and continue working to ensure our spaces and services reflect, welcome and celebrate our diverse communities.

Foysol Choudhury is a Labour MSP for the Lothian Region