Pop Music Centre on track

Kevin no longer has 11 copies of Another Girl, Another Planet, as sung by Peter PerrettKevin no longer has 11 copies of Another Girl, Another Planet, as sung by Peter Perrett
Kevin no longer has 11 copies of Another Girl, Another Planet, as sung by Peter Perrett
Finally, after much cajoling, I have set up a GoFundMe page to help finance getting the Scottish Pop Music Centre over the line. So far things are still on track for the centre to be open by May but it will take an intense two months of meetings and tying up loose ends to achieve that.

I’ve sold much of my own record collection just to keep going but as I explain in the blurb I didn’t really need 11 copies of the Another Girl, Another Planet 7 anyway!

You don’t have to simply donate, you can also receive a voucher that can be redeemed against music, memorabilia or any associated gigs so we shall see how that goes. I expect to have news on a weekly basis and if 75 per cent of what is planned comes off it will be more than was originally hoped for.

You can find out more at https://www.gofundme.com/scottishpopmusicexhibitioncentre