Hearts academy kid raising NHS funds with seven-mile keepy-up challenge

Keir McMeekin is doing his NHS challenge near his Fife home.Keir McMeekin is doing his NHS challenge near his Fife home.
Keir McMeekin is doing his NHS challenge near his Fife home.
Ten-year-old willing to do half-marathon juggling a ball

Ten-year-old Hearts youth academy player Keir McMeekin is raising funds for the NHS by doing seven miles of keepy-ups.

The youngster from Pattiesmuir in Fife has generated more than three times his initial £250 target already, despite only beginning his challenge on Monday.

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Inspired by Captain Tom Moore raising over £28million for the NHS with garden walks for his 100th birthday, Keir is using some lockdown time to help the same cause.

He is juggling a football for a mile every day this week in his Hearts training kit near his home. It takes around 35 minutes and is done in addition to exercises and drills given to him by club coaches.

He is prepared to continue the challenge and do half a marathon of keepy-ups if people keep donating to his JustGiving page for NHS Charities Together. Funds currently sit at £865 and counting.

Keir plays in central midfield for Hearts Under-11s having joined the club's academy three years ago from Duloch Juniors.

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He attends Masteron Primary School in Dunfermline and was inspired to help the NHS in the fight against coronavirus pandemic by Captain Tom’s remarkable effort.

Mum Alison, dad Scott and older brother Campbell are immensely proud. “Keir loves his football and likes to challenge himself,” said Scott.

“He saw the old soldier raising all that money for the NHS and he wanted to do something himself. He came up with the keepy-up idea as it’s something he is good at.

“Doing a mile of them each day is a good challenge along with the other stuff he does to keep him ticking over.

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“We are extremely proud of him as he is a shy and humble boy – until he gets on a football pitch, where he is very confident.

“He didn’t want to do any sport when he was young but, when he kicked his first ball at the age of five, I was told he was a natural. He has never looked back since.

“Football has grown him as a person so we couldn’t be any more proud.”

You can donate to Keir’s JustGiving page for NHS Charities Together by clicking here: Keir McMeekin

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