Soldier’s charity football tournament for Ebola orphans

Local teams in Sierra Leone will play against the army. Picture: CompLocal teams in Sierra Leone will play against the army. Picture: Comp
Local teams in Sierra Leone will play against the army. Picture: Comp
A BIG-hearted soldier is holding a charity football tournament in Sierra Leone to raise money for children orphaned by Ebola.

Corporal Luke Webb, serving with the British Army in the fight against the deadly outbreak, has organised tomorrow’s event to raise vital funds for a humanitarian organisation striving to tackle the crisis.

The fundraiser will see local football teams pitted against an army team in Freetown, the capital city of the west African country.

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The 22-year-old from Edinburgh has put his job teaching outdoor fitness classes with British Military Fitness on hold to continue with his mission of mercy.

He is being supported by the Sierra Leone Football Association, and hopes the tournament will raise enough money to help Cap Anamur continue providing vital support to the people of Sierra Leone following the Ebola crisis.

As well as raising money for local orphans, the Togeda We Dae Fet Ebola football tournament will aim to bring the local community together.

Luke, who serves with the 3 Rifles and teaches BMF classes across parks in Edinburgh, said: “The idea for the tournament originally came about because, after a few months away from home, I really fancied a game of football.

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“From this I thought we could create something really special by organising an event that would help raise money for a charity that has had a tremendously positive impact in communities across Freetown following the Ebola crisis, as well as bringing local people together.

“We have been working in Sierra Leone for four months now, and have seen first hand the damage and heartache that the disease has caused.

“Cap Anamur is doing a fantastic job of improving sanitation in Freetown, as well as providing a much-needed home to children who have lost their families to Ebola at their orphanage, so it is my hope that the funds we raise at the event will help them continue their fantastic work.

“I’m trying to raise as much money for the charity as I can before I go back to my day job at the end of September.”

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So far, he has raised more than £1400 out of a £2000 target via his fundraising page –

All of British Military Fitness’ instructors are either former or currently serving army servicemen and women.

The organisation was founded in April 1999 as an alternative form of group fitness training.