Sean Connery dead: 'The world's greatest Scot'- reaction floods in following news of actor's death

Sean Connery and Alex Salmond at a SNP rally.Sean Connery and Alex Salmond at a SNP rally.
Sean Connery and Alex Salmond at a SNP rally.
Reaction to the news that Sir Sean Connery has died today started to flood in almost immediately.

Former First Minister Alex Salmond, a close ally of the SNP-supporting actor, was among the first to sing his praises.

In a tweet he called him ‘The world’s greatest Scot, the last of the real Hoillywood stars, the definitive Bond’.

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Sean Connery was all of these things but much more. He was also a staunch patriot, a deep thinker and outstanding human being.

“I have had the rare privilege of being his friend for more than thirty years and enjoyed every single moment of his company and talk.”

He added: “He was honest and brave and it has been one of the privileges of my life to count him as a friend.

“His sense of irony and humour were legendary as was his love of country.

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“‘Scotland Forever’ wasn’t just tattooed on his forearm but was imprinted on his soul.”

Tributes; Sean ConneryTributes; Sean Connery
Tributes; Sean Connery

Bond producers Michael G Wilson and Barbara Broccoli was among those paying tribute.

They said in a statement: “We are devastated by the news of the passing of Sir Sean Connery.

“He was and shall always be remembered as the original James Bond whose indelible entrance into cinema history began when he announced those unforgettable words –’The name’s Bond… James Bond’ — he revolutionised the world with his gritty and witty portrayal of the sexy and charismatic secret agent.

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“He is undoubtedly largely responsible for the success of the film series and we shall be forever grateful to him.”

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Sir Sean Connery: Famous Scottish actor has died aged 90

Game Of Thrones star Liam Cunningham shared a photo of himself and Sir Sean Connery and wrote: “This man was really good to me. They say don’t meet your heroes. He exceeded all expectations. RIP Sean.”

Hugh Jackman has paid tribute , writing on Twitter: “I grew up idolizing #SeanConnery. A legend on screen, and off. Rest In Peace.”

Star Trek actor George Takei said: “Sean Connery was a movie legend, even far into his golden years. Our strongest Bonds were formed by him, and he was Untouchable. He passed today at age 90, a suave hero to the end.”

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