Police appeal after attempted robbery in west Edinburgh

Police are looking to trace the suspect.Police are looking to trace the suspect.
Police are looking to trace the suspect.
POLICE in Edinburgh are appealing for information after a man attempted to rob a teenage girl on Monday night, March 7.

At around 9.50pm the female was walking alone having visited a friend’s house in the Stenhouse area. As she made her way along Saughton Road North near to the junction for Broomhouse Drive she became aware of a man pushing a black pedal cycle who crossed the road and started to walk towards her.

He then stopped, engaged her in conversation and demanded that she hand over her mobile phone.

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The girl refused and managed to get away before raising the alarm with her parents.

Local officers are now carrying out various lines of inquiry in an effort to trace the man and want to hear from anyone who can help identify him.

The male is described as white, aged in his late 20s or early 30s, around 5ft 6ins tall, gaunt facial features and wearing a black anorak jacket with the hood up and a scarf over his mouth.

Detective Sergeant Robbie Wallace who is based at Corstorphine Police Station said: “Fortunately, the girl was not harmed and did not surrender any of her personal belongings.

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“However, this was a frightening experience for her to go through and we’re extremely keen to trace the suspect.

“He was last seen heading in the direction of Stenhouse and I want to hear from anyone who saw him.

“I would also ask anyone who remembers seeing any suspicious activity around Saughton Road North on Monday night, or who has any other information relevant to this incident, to get in touch.”

Those with information can contact Police Scotland on 101 or alternatively the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.