8 of Scotland’s creepiest haunted roads and bridges

Scotland has it's fair share of creepy roads with mysterious ghost cars and ethereal characters. (Picture: Shutterstock)Scotland has it's fair share of creepy roads with mysterious ghost cars and ethereal characters. (Picture: Shutterstock)
Scotland has it's fair share of creepy roads with mysterious ghost cars and ethereal characters. (Picture: Shutterstock)
With its deep lochs, misty glens and ancient castles, it's no wonder that Scotland is a country shrouded in tales of spectral appearances.

But it's not just our old buildings that have been home to several spooky sightings. There have been countless reports of ghostly goings-on on our roads, bridges and buried streets.

Here are some of Scotland's most haunted roads and bridges, where you can expect to encounter ancient coaches and horses, crazed vintage car drivers and even a hound from hell.

The A75 Kinmount Straight, Dumfries & Galloway

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The A75 in Dumfries & Galloway is known as Scotland's Ghost Road. (Picture: Shutterstock)The A75 in Dumfries & Galloway is known as Scotland's Ghost Road. (Picture: Shutterstock)
The A75 in Dumfries & Galloway is known as Scotland's Ghost Road. (Picture: Shutterstock)

Known as Scotland's Ghost Road, this stretch of the A75 between Carrutherstown and Annan has been the site of plenty of paranormal activity. From phantom hitchikers to wild dogs and cats and a person who walks out in front of cars, this stretch of road is Scotland's most haunted.

The Old Tay Bridge, Dundee

Britain's worst ever bridge disaster took place on 28 December 1879 when the Tay Bridge in Dundee collapsed, plunging a six-carriage train into the water and killing all 75 passengers on board. It has since been rebuilt but it's said that each year on the disaster's anniversary, you can see a ghost train crossing the old stretch of bridge.

Overtoun Bridge, West Dumbartonshire

The Tay Rail Bridge in Dundee was the site of Britain's most tragic rail disaster. (Picture: Shutterstock)The Tay Rail Bridge in Dundee was the site of Britain's most tragic rail disaster. (Picture: Shutterstock)
The Tay Rail Bridge in Dundee was the site of Britain's most tragic rail disaster. (Picture: Shutterstock)

As many as 300 dogs have thrown themselves off of Overtoun Bridge, known as 'Dog Suicide Bridge'. It's located on the grounds of Overtoun House, which is said to be haunted by the White Lady of Overtoun, the ghost of the grieving widow of the previous estate owner, John White. While some believe the ghost is compelling dogs to take their own lives, others have speculated that the dogs are attracted by the smell of animal carcasses in the woods below the bridge.

Mary King's Close, Edinburgh

The preserved 17th-century street hidden under the City Chambers is shrouded in tales of murders and hauntings. The street was closed off during the plague outbreak and its residents were left to die alone for fear of others catching their gruesome sickness. The most famous of the street's residents is Annie, a little girl who died of the plague and lost her doll. Today tourists who visit Mary King's Close are asked to leave gifts for Annie.

A9, Scottish Highlands

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Mary King's Close is home to Annie, a little girl who died of the Plague. (Picture: Shutterstock)Mary King's Close is home to Annie, a little girl who died of the Plague. (Picture: Shutterstock)
Mary King's Close is home to Annie, a little girl who died of the Plague. (Picture: Shutterstock)

One of Scotland's most haunted roads is the A9, which has had sightings of an ornate coach and horses, sometimes with wig-wearing footmen. There was also a sighting of a man dressed in Victorian attire on a horse at The Mound between Dornoch and Golspie.

Dalmarnock Bridge, Rutherglen

There have been reports of a suicidal man in his 30s standing on the 200-year-old Dalmarnock Bridge in Rutherglen, staring over the side before jumping and vanishing. He's reported to be wearing black trousers and a blue jacket from the 1930s.

Electric Brae, Ayrshire

This road attracts lots of visitors who want to witness the unusual sight of a car rolling up a hill, as if drawn by some mysterious force. The road was believed to be haunted by witches from long ago but more recent theories suggest the phenomenum is caused by an optical illusion.

A87 Sligachan, Skye

On the east side of the island, ghostly appearances of a 1934 Austin Seven speeding along the road with its headlights on have been reported. Some have said they've had to pull over to let the car overtake them, before witnessing it vanish into thin air. The sightings date back to the 1940s and it's been said that the car's driver was a church minister who caused a fatal accident and went insane with guilt.

A93 north of Blairgowrie

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A huge and mysterious ghost dog which frightens other dogs and horses is said to patrol the A93 north of Blairgowrie in Perthshire. It has been likened to a 'Hellhound' - mythological dogs used as guardians of the entrances to the underworld. Legend has it that if you stare straight into their eyes three times you'll die.

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