Mikaeel Kular probe clears social workers

Mikaeel Kular was killed by his mother. Picture: CompMikaeel Kular was killed by his mother. Picture: Comp
Mikaeel Kular was killed by his mother. Picture: Comp
Social workers and health staff visited the home of Mikaeel Kular seven times in the months before he was killed by his mother Rosdeep Adekoya – but found no evidence of the violence she would go on to inflict on her three-year-old son.

There was no way Mikaeel’s death could have been prevented, according to a review of how the boy’s case was handled. It cleared social workers in Edinburgh and Fife of any blame for the tragedy.

Mikaeel’s disappearance in January last year sparked a massive two-day search before his mother was arrested and eventually jailed for his killing.

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Repeated visits by both councils found nothing to cause staff concern “about the physical care of Mikaeel” by his mother. Her vicious, repeated assaults over several days last January were described as “unprecedented and out of character”.

However, despite finding that the toddler’s death “could not have been predicted”, the report made 13 recommendations, including a call for an overhaul of national guidelines for information sharing between local authorities.

Legislation will be reviewed following the revelation that Mikaeel’s nursery in Edinburgh was not told that he had spent a year in care until three months after he was returned to his mother – and just two months before his death.

His father Zahid Saeed rejected the findings, saying: “I feel that the social work department have failed in their duties to protect my children.”

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