Susan Dalgety: David and Victoria Beckham's outdoor air conditioning

The Beckhams are nothing like the family next door. Picture: GettyThe Beckhams are nothing like the family next door. Picture: Getty
The Beckhams are nothing like the family next door. Picture: Getty
The American author F Scott Fitzgerald once wrote that the rich are different. He might have had Victoria and David Beckham in mind.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love Posh and Becks. They are hard-working, dedicated to their family, and Victoria makes some beautiful, if totally unaffordable, clothes.

But much as they might pretend to be the family next door, they are not. And I have the proof.

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It is not their transatlantic lifestyle that marks them out from the rest of us. Or even that their family home in London cost a mere £31 million.

No, it is the fact that they have an air-conditioned garden that sets them apart.

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Yes, I had to read that twice too. Their London garden is air-conditioned.

I live in Fisherrow, so our back green has plenty of air-conditioning from the Firth of Forth, so I had to Google air-con for gardens.

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It is an American thing apparently, which, if you’re rich and live in Miami with its long, hot summers, makes sense. But why on earth would you need air-con in Britain?

We only have a couple of hot summer days a year. Three in a row and we call it a heatwave and declare a national holiday. The rest of the time it is grey and cold.

Unless of course the Beckhams’ back garden has its own micro-climate. Now that really would be different.