Hibs boss Neil Lennon insists abuse won't drive him out of Scottish football

Neil Lennon 'loves' his job at HibsNeil Lennon 'loves' his job at Hibs
Neil Lennon 'loves' his job at Hibs
Neil Lennon has insisted he has no intentions of walking away from Scottish football despite continually finding himself at the centre of controversy.

The Hibs head coach – struck by a coin thrown from the crowd in Wednesday’s Edinburgh derby against Hearts – is adamant a lot of people are “totally blinkered” as to the way in which they portray him, driven, he believes, by the fact he’s an Irish Catholic who once played for Celtic and someone who is prepared to stand up for himself.

Claiming it’s a problem for Scotland and not himself, when asked how long he’d be prepared to put up for it after 18 years in this country, he said: “I don’t know. I enjoy what I am doing. I love being at this club and working with the players.

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“I love the way the team play, developing the players and the challenge or winning games. You always want to keep bettering yourself and I don’t know anything else and I don’t want to do anything else.

“It shouldn’t be my decision anyway. If I walked away, where does that leave the country? How does that look on the Scottish game.

“I’m not doing this for Scottish football – I am doing it because it’s what I want to do. I won’t be driven out. I’ll go on my own terms – or I might be sacked. That’s inevitable in this job.”