Video: Plea to keep Bield care homes open

Anna Nash, Woodlands Residential Care in Bo'ness, run by Bield Care Homes is to close.Anna Nash, Woodlands Residential Care in Bo'ness, run by Bield Care Homes is to close.
Anna Nash, Woodlands Residential Care in Bo'ness, run by Bield Care Homes is to close.
A GRANDDAUGHTER has made an impassioned plea urging people to support a bid to keep care homes open.

Last month, Edinburgh-based Bield announced it would close 12 care homes across Scotland, leaving hundreds of elderly and vulnerable people in need of new places to live.

Woodlands Residential Care in Bo’ness and Thornton Gardens in Bonnybridge are two of those under threat.

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This week Ashley Holleran, 30, revealed how the uncertainty is affecting her 81-year-old grandmother, Anna Nash, by posting a video on Facebook of them discussing the decision.

Anna Nash, Woodlands Residential Care in Bo'ness, run by Bield Care Homes is to close.Anna Nash, Woodlands Residential Care in Bo'ness, run by Bield Care Homes is to close.
Anna Nash, Woodlands Residential Care in Bo'ness, run by Bield Care Homes is to close.

It has already had over 2200 views.

Ashley said: My Nana was always house proud, forever re-decorating, buying new curtains, bed spreads and cushions.

“She would like to feed anyone who came to her house, like many granny’s do, and a had a collection of chocolate biscuits to rival Tesco’s.

“My Nana has a fierce passion and loyalty to her family which has remained through this degenerative illness and that’s why I feel I have to share our story to give her the best chance in life she deserves.”

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Anna Nash, Woodlands Residential Care in Bo'ness, run by Bield Care Homes is to close.Anna Nash, Woodlands Residential Care in Bo'ness, run by Bield Care Homes is to close.
Anna Nash, Woodlands Residential Care in Bo'ness, run by Bield Care Homes is to close.

Ashley said her grandmother had lived in Bo’ness all her life and moved into the care facility three years ago.

She added: “Sadly, my Nana’s mental state got to a point where she was no longer able to live on her own. She was hallucinating and petrified and I vividly remember having her in my bed with me and rocking her to sleep. As many can relate to, putting a family member into a home is a hard and heart wrenching decision, but the decision was made and it was the right one. My Nana moved into Woodlands Residential Care in Bo’ness, run by Bield Care Homes, three years ago. After an initial settling in period she has went from strength to strength and over time, and on occasion, we see that wee spark that we know the ‘old yin’ is still in there.

“She has bonded with other residents and has a comfortable room, decorated with some of her home comforts, looking out to the woods and often has little squirrels coming to visit at the window. It is the perfect place for her in these circumstances and as a family we can rest easy knowing she is well looked after, just along the road. Unfortunately, Bield Care Homes have decided to close this home along with 11 others in Scotland. This isn’t just my Nana, it’s other peoples mums, dads, grans and grampas. There is no money to support the elderly and provide them with the care that they deserve.

“In the three years my Nana has lived in this home she has paid in excess of £90,000 towards her care, money which her and my Papa saved and worked hard for all their lives yet now has no say say in where she will live. This is a crisis, a crisis which the government have to address. Letter’s have been written to the First Minister and Angela Constance in her capacity as Cabinet Secretary.

Her petition can be found here:

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