Scottish Government reshuffle was in sharp contrast to Boris Johnson’s control freakery – Angus Robertson

Kate Forbes has become Finance Secretary after standing in at short notice to present the Budget (Picture: Getty)Kate Forbes has become Finance Secretary after standing in at short notice to present the Budget (Picture: Getty)
Kate Forbes has become Finance Secretary after standing in at short notice to present the Budget (Picture: Getty)
As a new generation of Scottish Government ministers take on the big jobs at Holyrood, unelected bureaucrats like Dominic Cummings hold sway in Westminster, writes Angus Robertson.

Congratulations to the extremely talented Kate Forbes, who has been appointed as the Scottish Government’s new Finance Secretary.

The 29-year-old Highlands MSP became the first woman to present a budget at either Holyrood or Westminster earlier this month, when she stepped in after the resignation of Derek Mackay.

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Why Kate Forbes is a rising star for the SNP – Ian Swanson

As part of changes to her Government, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon appointed Linlithgow MSP Fiona Hyslop as Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture. Fife MSP Jenny Gilruth has joined the Government as Europe minister, while Edinburgh Northern and Leith MSP Ben Macpherson will move to join the finance team as Minister for Public Finance and Migration – where he is expected to continue to make the strong economic and social case for a distinct migration policy for Scotland.

In his new role, he has also been tasked with working on the issues of green and climate finance, to help ensure we in Scotland play our part in delivering on key targets combating climate change.

I’ve got to know all of these ministers over the years, and I am delighted that they are taking on these important responsibilities.

In contrast to the control freakery we are seeing in Government at Westminster, where power is being concentrated in the hands of unelected bureaucrats like Dominic Cummings, here things look very different.

A new, young generation, with strong female representation, is taking on the big jobs in Government at Holyrood. We should be very proud of that in Scotland. It bodes well for the future.