Three engines called to fire at derelict Edinburgh house

PIC: Cllr Scott ArthurPIC: Cllr Scott Arthur
PIC: Cllr Scott Arthur
Police are investigating a fire at a house in the south of the Capital that has remained derelict for a decade.

Three fire crews were called to Oxgangs Farm Grove at 2.40pm on Saturday to tackle the blaze at the house, which was empty at the time.

A fire service spokesman said: "The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service was alerted at 2.42pm on Saturday, March 30, to reports of a fire within an empty property on Oxgangs Farm Grove, Edinburgh.

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"Operations control mobilised three fire engines and firefighters extinguished the flames. There were no casualties.

"Crews left the scene after ensuring the area was made safe."

Labour ward Cllr Scott Arthur added: "Well done to the police who responded quickly on Saturday to calls from the public.

"My brother Marc was killed in a similar fire in 1989 when he was just 12, so this kind of thing really angers me. The owners of this property now needs to make it safe before someone gets hurt."

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Police Scotland said they were called to the blaze at 2.45pm by the fire service and confirmed they are investigating the incident.

A spokesperson said: "Police in Edinburgh are investigating following a deliberate fire at a building in the Oxgangs Farm Grove area on Saturday, 30 March. The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service attended to extinguish the flames. Nobody was injured as a result.

"Inquiries are ongoing and anyone who witnessed any suspicious behaviour in the area on Saturday afternoon, or has information to help trace those responsible, should call Police Scotland on 101, quoting incident number 2470 of 30 March, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111."