Fresh weather warnings issued for Edinburgh as snow set to melt

Traffic on the M8 Harthill in West Lothian. Scotland is covered in a blanket of snow, Picture: SWNSTraffic on the M8 Harthill in West Lothian. Scotland is covered in a blanket of snow, Picture: SWNS
Traffic on the M8 Harthill in West Lothian. Scotland is covered in a blanket of snow, Picture: SWNS
The cold snap is blasting back with a vengeance with fresh weather warnings of snow and ice hitting Scotland this week.

Two yellow weather warnings were issued by the Met Office for snow and ice for Tuesday and Wednesday.

But for the rest of the week, temperatures are expected to rise to 6C on Wednesday.

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But it is set to be a cold week with plenty of dry weather around.

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This morning, Edinburgh woke up to a shivery start to the day with snow arriving in some parts of the Capital.

The Highlands, Central Tayside and Fife were also affected, with some parts of Aberdeen and Glasgow waking up to snow too.

Dalwhinnie, a village in the Scottish Highlands, had the lowest recorded temperature at -2.1C.

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A Met Office Spokesman said: “Thursday will be cold with a few snow showers but not many.

“Friday seems to be quite windy but at the weekend there appears to be strong winds. Hopefully, this week will be the last of the snow.

“Dalwhinnie appeared to be the coldest and it appears that snow seems to be the main beam at the moment.

“However, in the South East of Scotland, it will be dry and rather cold with maximum temperatures going as high as 4C.

“But Glasgow looks as if it will be as high as 3C.”

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Gritters have been out in force as light snow affected travel on the A68, A7 and A1.

Commuters are advised to be extremely wary on the frozen surfaces.

The Met Office spokesman added: “We may not have experienced a lot of travel disruptions and although the weather will calm down in most places.

“In the North East, it is expected there will be snow showers. So drivers should take extra care and allow extra time for journeys.”

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Scottish Transport Minister Humza Yousaf warned people to plan any journeys ahead of time.

He tweeted: “Of a call with Resilience Team and Met Office. Expect steady snow showers tonight/overnight and temperatures to drop dramatically.

“Widespread Yellow Warning for Ice/Snow.

“As always, plan your journey ahead and follow @trafficscotland for regular updates.”