'˜Even the Romans built better': Readers have their say on Capital roads

Should speed bumps still be in place in Edinburgh?Should speed bumps still be in place in Edinburgh?
Should speed bumps still be in place in Edinburgh?
Furious readers have had their say on the condition of roads in Edinburgh.

The reaction came after the Edinburgh Evening News published a letter which urged the council to get rid of speed bumps.

The letter urged the removal of speed limits due to the 20mph speed limits on most of our city roads.

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In the letter, the author stated: “Speed bumps over the city are all different shapes and sizes and that makes driving even more difficult unless you are fortunate enough to have a four by four or a Panzer/Tiger tank.”

Should speed bumps still be in place in Edinburgh?Should speed bumps still be in place in Edinburgh?
Should speed bumps still be in place in Edinburgh?

And many road users were quick to agree stating that the poor condition of roads in the Capital, and the speed limit effectively meant that such bumps were redundant.

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Letter: The council must get rid of speed bumps in Edinburgh

While some were in favour of the proposal, others simply bemoaned the condition of the roads across Edinburgh.

Yvonne Bruce wrote: “Agree with a lot that is said here 20mph should mean speed bumps are redundant but it would probably cost a lot to remove them so when the roads are either dug up or repaired the speed bumps should not be replaced shouldn’t take that long due to the number of roads that are constantly dug up.”

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Should speed bumps still be in place in Edinburgh?Should speed bumps still be in place in Edinburgh?
Should speed bumps still be in place in Edinburgh?

Robert Davidson said: “2018 and instead of having modern nice flat straight roads we have speed bumps and potholes. The moon is smoother. Even the Romans built better roads.”

Tom Roberts gave his opinion saying: “If you have a lowered car which I do, I need to literally avoid certain streets as some speed bumps are uneven different sizes and heights.”

Paweł Orzoł said “I would prefer city council to fix the potholes, resurface etc. after winter than spending money on removing speed bumps. If you want to save springs just slow down before them like 90 percent of people do”

Andrew Massie urged the council to remove bumps urging the council to “give a wee bit back to drivers”

Scott Reid clearly felt affected by the conditions of roads in the Capital writing: “After driving down to Ocean Terminal today I may have taken a year off the life of my shock absorbers.