Edinburgh police gear up for Extinction Rebellion disruption on North Bridge

Police officers are positioned on both sides of North Bridge. Pic: Lisa FergusonPolice officers are positioned on both sides of North Bridge. Pic: Lisa Ferguson
Police officers are positioned on both sides of North Bridge. Pic: Lisa Ferguson
Vans packed full of police officers have parked up in Edinburgh city centre this afternoon after it emerged there could be disruption from Extinction Rebellion protesters on North Bridge.

Eight police vans are currently parked up at both ends of North Bridge - and on the middle of the structure - with police officers positioned on both sides.

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VIDEO: Extinction Rebellion protesters march down Royal Mile over Climate Bill
Police officers are positioned on both sides of North Bridge. Pic: Lisa FergusonPolice officers are positioned on both sides of North Bridge. Pic: Lisa Ferguson
Police officers are positioned on both sides of North Bridge. Pic: Lisa Ferguson

It is believed police have been called as environmental campaigners may be planning to protest on North Bridge.

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It comes after police deployed a helicopter earlier today to keep an eye on the Holyrood Rebel Camp, which will be based outside of the Scottish Parliament for the next five days.

The protest, organised by Extinction Rebellion Scotland, will see "non-violent direct action" in Edinburgh with various workshops and events taking place for those on the Holyrood site.

Extinction Rebellion Scotland say they want the government to do more to "combat the climate crisis and ecological breakdown" by bringing in a Bill that includes a net zero emissions target by 2025, instead of the current 2045 recommendation.

Police vans have arrived in the city centre. Pic: Lisa FergusonPolice vans have arrived in the city centre. Pic: Lisa Ferguson
Police vans have arrived in the city centre. Pic: Lisa Ferguson

They also want a Climate Citizens' Assembly to be created to oversee the changes necessary to mitigate against climate change and enable to transition to a "just, carbon-free society."

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One of the events taking place this week was a march this morning between Edinburgh Castle and Holyrood, labelled by organisers as a 'parade of life' for people to dress as animals and in bright colours.