Teenage girl indecently attacked while walking dog

The attack happened on Dundee Terrace.The attack happened on Dundee Terrace.
The attack happened on Dundee Terrace.
A teenage girl was indecently assaulted while out walking her dog on Tuesday night.

Police are appealing for witnesses after the incident at around 8.25pm in Dundee Terrace.

The 18-year-old was walking her dog when a man approached from behind and assaulted her before running off.

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The suspect is described as being in his late teens with skinny legs. He was wearing a dark hooded top with grey cotton bottoms.

Detective Sergeant Jon Pleasance from Edinburgh’s Public Protection Unit said: ““The victim was not injured during this incident but was left extremely upset and shaken as a result.

“We are conducting various lines on inquiry within the area to trace the suspect and would ask anyone who can help in identifying him to contact police immediately.

“In addition, anyone who remembers seeing any suspicious activity around Dundee Terrace on Tuesday evening, or who has any other information relevant to this investigation should also get in touch.”

Those with information can contact Police Scotland on 101 or alternatively, the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.