Robber with blue gun hits petrol station

The Ferry Road BP petrol station. Picture: Julie BullThe Ferry Road BP petrol station. Picture: Julie Bull
The Ferry Road BP petrol station. Picture: Julie Bull
A ROBBER pointed a blue handgun at a terrified petrol station worker before making off with hundreds of pounds from the till.

The BP station at the Leith end of Ferry Road was targeted late on Sunday night while just one member of staff was on duty.

The armed thief demanded money from the Costcutters store during the 10pm raid before running away towards South Fort Street.

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Detectives are keen to trace the suspect, who is a white man believed to be aged between 35 and 45, of slim build, with a greying ginger goatee and moustache.

He was wearing a black hooded top with a beanie hat underneath, blue jeans, a brown jacket and tab ankle boots. He may also have been wearing a grey checked scarf and black gloves, and had been carrying a brown leather bag.

The victim, who was uninjured, was back at work yesterday, however he was too shaken to speak about his ordeal.

Detective Inspector Grant Johnston, who is leading the investigation, said: “A man entered the store and presented what appeared to be a blue handgun and demanded money. He was given a three-figure sum of cash and left the store.

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“He was last seen running on to Ferry Road and then he went on to South Fort Street.

“The member of staff is uninjured and obviously shocked by the incident, but he was back at work this morning.”

He said it was “impossible” to say whether the handgun involved was real or an imitation, however officers were working on the basis that it was a firearm.

He said the colour of the gun was “unusual”, adding: “We’ll just have to take it as face value with the witness accounts that we’ve got, until such time as we recover the item.”

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DI Johnston said officers were examining CCTV footage from the store.

He said: “We’re appealing for witnesses for anybody who was using the petrol station at the time, who may have been driving past, that may have seen him running off into South Fort Street or anybody with information regarding his identity, to get in touch with us.”

And he moved to reassure local residents that everything was being done to bring the suspect to justice.

“It’s a traumatic incident, where a handgun has been used. I don’t think the amount of money really matters in this case, it’s the effect on the member of staff.”

Anyone with information can contact Police Scotland on 101 or alternatively, the charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.