Midlothian families benefit from Scottish Child Payment

Stock aerial photo of Midlothian by Bob Smith.Stock aerial photo of Midlothian by Bob Smith.
Stock aerial photo of Midlothian by Bob Smith.
Nearly 2000 families in Midlothian benefitted from the Scottish Child Payment in the first five months of the new scheme.

The most recent Scottish Government figures revealed 1,900 families in Midlothian received £330,940, since its introduction in February, up to June 30.

So far, across Scotland 108,000 children have benefitted from the payment which provides eligible families with £10-a-week.

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Commenting, Midlothian North MSP Colin Beattie (SNP) said: “The Scottish Child Payment has been described by charities as game-changing and we are seeing that difference across Scotland. It is fantastic to see it make such a difference to the lives of families in Midlothian too.”

He added: “Not only is the Scottish Child Payment giving low-income families extra support, but coupled with other payments such as the Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods, eligible families could receive up to £5,200 extra by the time their child turns six.

“I would urge any families in Midlothian who have not yet applied to do so.

“In Scotland, we are building a social security system built on fairness, dignity and respect. Contrast that with the system at Westminster where the Tories are planning on cutting Universal Credit at a time when vulnerable families need it most.”