Mum records rap for children’s charity

Karen Robertson and rapper Drew Devine. Picture: Ian RutherfordKaren Robertson and rapper Drew Devine. Picture: Ian Rutherford
Karen Robertson and rapper Drew Devine. Picture: Ian Rutherford
A POETRY-writing mother-of-four has teamed up with a city rapper to record a song for a charity which helps to look after her son.

Karen Robertson, a holistic therapist from Wester Hailes, enjoys writing to help express her emotions.

But when she decided to rap one of her poems at a recent charity event – to raise money for the Children’s Hospice Association Scotland (Chas) – she never dreamt she would soon be recording it professionally.

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The 46-year-old spends much of her time at Rachel House Hospice with her son, Dean, 20, who suffers from dystonic quadriplegic cerebral palsy.

Karen said: “We organised a fundraiser at Livingston football stadium and I said for a joke, ‘I’ll get up and rap my poem about Chas mums’. In the end, I decided to do it and we raised over £2000 all in.

“After people started sharing it on Facebook, my son-in-law contacted Drew Devine via e-mail, and asked if he would be interested working with me to record it. Everyone really liked it.”

She added: “He agreed and now we are working towards getting it on iTunes. All the money raised will go to Chas.”

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The rap is based on the experiences of mums who have children that use services provided by Chas. The song will be available for £1.

“I’m not a singer or a writer, I’m just a mum,” Karen said.

“Putting pen to paper is a good way for me to release my emotions but I don’t really give my poems away that often as they are personal to me.”

Karen said she was hoping to get the rap recorded as soon as possible so that it can bring comfort to Chas mums.

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Drew, who records under the name of Werd, said: “I really enjoy doing charity events and I knew immediately this is something I would like to be involved in.

“I think it’s a brilliant idea to get iTunes up so that all the payments received go directly to the charity.”

Laura Campbell, a fundraiser for Chas, said: “We’re so proud of Karen and all she’s done to raise money and awareness for Chas.

“It’s such an inspiring project and the fact that Drew has offered his expertise and support makes it all the more exciting – we can’t wait to hear the finished rap.

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“We know how personal the material is so we really hope everyone gets behind Karen and buys the single.”

The words:

This is the Chas rap for Chas mums

Here to enlighten but also have fun

Being a mum is a hard job to do

Plus a specialist physio too

All we signed up for was being a mum

To watch them have

fun like when we were young

Chas can help in house or home

Stand by us we are never alone

No staying awake watching every breath

We’re with Chas tonight so hot bath and bed


We’re not doctors, physios, dieticians or nurse

We need the memories rest food and love

We want time help and support

But most of all we just want to be mums

So when we see Chas ask for help

We open our hearts never tighten our belts

And as you open your purse remember this rap

You just helped a Chas family get a wee nap


Thank you

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