Midlothian charity celebrates carers at family event at Vogrie Park

The event at Vogrie Country Park was a great success.The event at Vogrie Country Park was a great success.
The event at Vogrie Country Park was a great success.
VOCAL (Voice of Carers Across Lothian) held a fun-filled family event last week at Vogrie Country Park.

Over 60 people attended including staff, volunteers, charities, and families from across Midlothian. With face painting, character mascots and a magician, the event was a welcome opportunity to have some fun before the end of the school holidays.

Laura Hill, head of carer support (Midlothian) said: “This event was a great opportunity for families to meet and catch up. Being in the local community is really important to us, and we would encourage carers to get in touch if they need support.

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“Families who have children with additional support needs – whether that’s disability, learning or mental health – often don’t realise they are a carer as well as a parent, and can access support.

"We can provide different methods of support for parent carers, including help to access breaks.”

VOCAL Midlothian were joined by local charity partners including Midlothian Sure Start, Play Midlothian and Enable Local Area Co-ordinators. Each provided a stand with information for attendees. As well as entertainment, food was provided by Tree Tops Café.

VOCAL Midlothian delivers support from its Hub in Dalkeith and at community bases in Midlothian. The charity provides one-to-one support to carers regardless of the age or condition of the person being cared for.

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