Edinburgh man with bionic penis inundated with date offers

Mohammed Abad. Rex features.Mohammed Abad. Rex features.
Mohammed Abad. Rex features.
AN Edinburgh man with a bionic penis claims he has been inundated with date offers.

Mohammed Abad received the £70,000 prosthetic replacement after suffering for decades when his manhood was damaged in a car crash in the 70s.

The 44-year-old, from Costorphine, told a national newspaper that since his operation he has received 50 messages from women who want to sleep with him.

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He said: “I get a lot of messages from women online who ask if I will have sex with them.

“They’ve heard about my bionic penis and they want to try it out.

“They are very intrigued and think I can make love for hours.”

Mr Abad lost his manhood and one testicle when he was dragged under a car for 600ft in Huddersfield, Yorkshire, when he was just six years old.

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In 2015, after three years of painstaking surgery by doctors at University College London, his eight-inch “bionic” penis was constructed using skin and tendons taken from his arm.

Known as the Titan Touch Penile Prosthesis, it has two tubes along the side which fill with water once Mo presses a button next to his testicles.

Mr Abad continued: “It’s not that I don’t want to (have sex) and I get offers but I have been so busy with work. I work 14-hour shifts every day and by the time I get home I’m just too tired for sex.”