Edinburgh Evening News Local Hero Awards 2019 - time running out to honour heroes

Joseph Cox with his Local Hero Award. Pic: Ian GeorgesonJoseph Cox with his Local Hero Award. Pic: Ian Georgeson
Joseph Cox with his Local Hero Award. Pic: Ian Georgeson
THEY are the standout individuals whose contribution to life in the capital has gone unrecognised for too long and the the inspirational youngsters who have shown exceptional determination to overcome the odds.

The nominations deadline for the Edinburgh Evening News Local Hero awards, sponsored by Farmer Autocare, is fast approaching and we are encouraging readers to honour those unsung heroes who have made a difference in their area over the past 12 months.

This week we are seeking nominations in the Junior Local Hero and Local Hero categories ahead of the ceremony in June.

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The glittering event will take place at the Kimpton Charlotte Square Hotel where hundreds will gather to watch the Capital’s most worthy residents receive their awards.

The Junior Local Hero award has been introduced this year so that we can honour even more of the deserving young people in our Capital’s community.

We are looking for a child or young person under the age of 14 who has demonstrated exceptional achievement in their life.

They may have overcome great odds or made sacrifices above and beyond the call of duty. The nominee may have excelled academically, achieved great sporting success, raised money for a good cause, or provided great support to someone with an illness or battling through a traumatic experience.

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The highlight of the night is the Local Hero award, selected by a panel of judges as the individual who has stood out out above all other nominations.

Last year, Joseph Cox became the youngest-ever winner of the overall award at 12 for his inspiring Socks for the Street drive.

The Leith Academy pupil started the campaign after becoming “upset” with the number of homeless people around the city, aiming to collect vital warm clothing - particularly clean socks and underwear – to distribute to those sleeping rough.

Speaking after the ceremony, Joseph said: “I was really nervous going up on stage to collect the award, but I was excited at the same time, it was an amazing feeling.”

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Jim Kerr, group managing director for award sponsors Farmer Autocare, said: “It is a delight to once again be sponsoring the Local Hero awards. This is an event we are proud to support as we remain committed to sponsoring our communities across Edinburgh”.

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