Edinburgh choir release charity song in support of mental health charity SAMH

All donations received from the song’s download will be donated to SAMH.All donations received from the song’s download will be donated to SAMH.
All donations received from the song’s download will be donated to SAMH.
Edinburgh choir, Sing In The City, has launched a charity song named ‘Follow the Rainbows’ in support of the mental health charity, Scottish Association For Mental Health (SAMH).

Inspired by their choir members, the song tells of the choir family coming together, overcoming their fears and insecurities and replacing them with feelings of strength and positivity.

Launching on Spotify and iTunes on 24 April, 100 per cent of the donations received from the song’s download will be donated to SAMH.

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Over the last decade Sing In The City has become home to 18 choirs in Edinburgh, Fife and the Lothians with more than 1000 members.

Musical director Kirsty Baird said: “It is well documented and has never been truer, that singing is a positive aid for good mental health which has been evident through how the choir members have adjusted and adapted during this difficult time. Even before the UK quarantine was put in place it was clear that the Sing In The City members were more afraid of isolation than they were of the virus.

“Choir means more than just singing to our members, it is interaction, friendship, laughter and as the quarantine began normality was soon replaced with anxiety. Like all businesses and individuals, we have all adapted to the new norm. Sing In The City moved all rehearsals online and created daily sessions to try and keep our members engaged, together and connected.”

The song was inspired following a Zoom chat between Kirsty and the choir members to discuss how everyone was feeling. Their words and feelings have now been incorporated into the song lyrics.

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Kirsty added: “Over the last four weeks we have seen our members shine, sharing their artwork and projects. Watched them develop, learn and help less technical people get online and take part in live rehearsals, sing-alongs and online chats. Everyone is exercising patience and compassion. It has been beautiful to be part of and has certainly kept my own anxieties at bay.

“We were always going to do something for our 10th anniversary but we could never have guessed it would have been writing and producing a song and a video in a lockdown scenario.”

The mental health charity SAMH was selected as the musical directors believe that mental health will be greatly affected in the months to follow as a result of covid-19 with many people suffering anxiety who never have before.