Nick Cook: Bird-brained approach to Edinburgh gulls

Gulls nesting in urban areas The gulls are known to aggressively swoop on residents, pets and tradesme. Picture: Neil HannaGulls nesting in urban areas The gulls are known to aggressively swoop on residents, pets and tradesme. Picture: Neil Hanna
Gulls nesting in urban areas The gulls are known to aggressively swoop on residents, pets and tradesme. Picture: Neil Hanna
In addition to the serious fiscal ­decisions debated and decided, the council's annual budget ­meeting typically provides the sort of high political drama seen in the City Chambers only once a year.

Councillors of all stripes seek to ­ruffle a few feathers and stick in an ­ideological boot or two, as we ­outline our respective spending and ­saving priorities for the year.

In this respect, last week’s Edinburgh City Council budget meeting didn’t disappoint.

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But, the budget is also an important opportunity for opposition councillors to highlight particular local issues of ­concern and seek funding to help address them.

Conservative environment spokesman Councillor Nick CookConservative environment spokesman Councillor Nick Cook
Conservative environment spokesman Councillor Nick Cook

In this regard, I called for the council to provide funding for a gull de-nesting programme.

The issue was raised as – particularly in the summer months – residents of many areas like Bruntsfield, Merchiston and Morningside contact the council regarding aggressive gulls nesting in urban areas.

The gulls are known to swoop on ­residents, pets and tradesmen, in ­addition to creating noise nuisance.

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De-nesting carried out at the onset of the season provides means of deterring urban gulls in a non-harmful manner.

Conservative environment spokesman Councillor Nick CookConservative environment spokesman Councillor Nick Cook
Conservative environment spokesman Councillor Nick Cook

A previous gull de-nesting pilot was funded by the council in 2013. Despite its success, the council chose not to ­continue its funding, although community groups continue to seek action.

While often raised on the doorsteps of Edinburgh, gulls are a problem, not only city-wide, but across the UK.

Research from the University of ­Bristol shows that colonies of urban gulls have more than doubled since the year 2000. It is ­perhaps unsurprising that the matter was even debated in the House of Commons recently.

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Gull de-nesting is neither high-brow nor glamorous – I do not believe that many of the priorities of a local council should be.

This makes the light-hearted ­manner in which administration councillors who hold the purse strings ­dismissed the call for a modest resource to tackle this ­problem more disappointing.

But truly local issues such as the ­problem posed by urban gulls are ­serious and they matter.

Indeed, a problem cited annually by local taxpayers is exactly the type of issue Edinburgh City Council should be focusing on.

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In this regard, it is worth noting that the prevalence of urban gulls is known to be exacerbated by ­overflowing ­communal rubbish bins – an all-too common sight across the capital. This is a ­further reminder that failure to attach meaningful focus to basic ­service ­delivery, and respond effectively to the needs of local residents, can lead to a wealth of associated problems and increased demands for funding.

Councillor Nick Cook is Conservative environment spokesman at Edinburgh City Council.