Holyrood Park road closure is hitting less mobile- your views

Matt Donlan got up early to take this picture of the sun rising over Dunsapie Loch.Matt Donlan got up early to take this picture of the sun rising over Dunsapie Loch.
Matt Donlan got up early to take this picture of the sun rising over Dunsapie Loch.
"Not every octogenarian - let alone many much younger visitors - is capable of making the initial ascent”

Park road closure is hitting less mobile

What is happening to Arthur’s Seat? For many years my husband and I have driven to Dunsapie Loch, parked the car and walked higher up to take exercise and admire the wonderful views in all directions.

Now, as my mobility has decreased, it would be an ideal place for me to walk on the level beside the Loch and take full advantage of the fresh air recommended by all to keep Covid at bay.

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Alas, this is currently impossible as all roads in the park are closed to everyone except walkers and cyclists.

Not every octogenarian - let alone many much younger visitors - is capable of making the initial ascent. Why should they be deprived of access to satisfy the ever increasing demands of the cycling lobby?

On Saturday the park beside Holyrood Palace was full of people taking advantage of the early spring weather while having to dodge the Lycra clad, be-helmeted packs of those on wheels whose sense of entitlement is almost palpable. This smacks of discrimination to me. If the roads were clear there would be room for all and one of Edinburgh’s finest open spaces could be enjoyed by everyone.

My husband has twice written to Historic Environment Scotland on this matter and has not had the courtesy of a reply!

Alison Bruce, Wester Coates Terrace, Edinburgh.

Nicola’s masterclass in avoiding answers

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I watched Nicola Sturgeon give a masterclass in the Alex Salmond inquiry committee last week.

She claims that she was ‘grilled’ for eight hours and she answered every question given to her. The reality, of course, is she actually answered very little.

A lot of the time she did what most politicians do, waffled on at length about nothing in particular.

In fact, she gave so few straight answers that the wisdom of spending a reported £75,000 coaching civil servants on how to avoid answering questions to the committee seems like a waste of money. Surely a half hour with Sturgeon before they were called in would have done the trick?

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The committee is chaired by an SNP member, has three other SNP members on it and we have Scotland’s Crown Office, headed by the SNP-appointed Lord Advocate who is also in the SNP cabinet, first withholding and then censoring vital evidence.

Imagine the uproar there would be if the Westminster government were doing this. It’s really quite shameful how they are allowed to get away with it and the relatively easy ride they are getting is a national scandal. Scotland deserves better.

David Smith, Doctor McEwan Lane, Prestonpans.

NHS staff deserve substantial pay rise

Boris Johnson repeatedly stood outside No 10 Downing Street and clapped for the NHS. Skilled workers had protected and nursed him through his severe bout of Covid. He owed his life to the NHS nursing staff.

Now all the talk about NHS Heroes has been shown to be just a meaningless smokescreen. The government has proposed a mere 1% increase in NHS salaries, despite over 600 NHS and social care workers dying from coronavirus. Already facing huge stress and personal danger, they are now kicked in teeth!

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The government maintain they cannot afford any more. Yet they were willing to squander millions of tax payers money on PPE contracts for their cronies, often those who had little or no experience in such areas.This is a government public relations disaster. People are appalled by their mean ingratitude. We owe our NHS Heroes a huge debt of gratitude for their sacrifices. Let’s show it with a substantial pay rise.

Andrew Milroy, Trowbridge.

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