Hayley Matthews: Back in the dating game '“ thanks to a new diary

Close-up Of A Businessperson's Hand Writing Schedule In Diary With Pen On Wooden DeskClose-up Of A Businessperson's Hand Writing Schedule In Diary With Pen On Wooden Desk
Close-up Of A Businessperson's Hand Writing Schedule In Diary With Pen On Wooden Desk
I've not made any resolutions to give stuff up however, as per my annual routine, I am planning on adding new things to my life in the hope of feeling better physically and mentally.

The first is a state of mind – organisation! I’m shockingly bad at organising diaries and remembering dates. I’ll give you a few examples. I once kept No 1 son off school on a Bank Holiday thinking that he would naturally get a day off too, only to find out all the kids were in as usual. I also turned up for a school assembly a month early. Throw in forgetting Christmas jumper day and my chances of being accepted by the PTA are slimmer than Mexico welcoming Donald Trump!

I am extremely organised when it comes to the washing of everyone’s clothes, having enough loo rolls, dishwasher tablets etc but for remembering practical dates I’m just awful. I do use my phone for the odd date. However, it’s at maximum capacity, just like me, plus at three years old it’s as slow as a week in the jail.

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So, I’ve decided to go back to pen and paper. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s excited about a new fresh diary, full of good intentions etc But honestly, this year it’s getting filled. Being a parent of two boys I need to keep on top of doctors’ appointments, school schedules and a sports diary that would put Mo Farah into shock. I picked a huge pink family planner from Fox and Moon which has lots of space for my scribbles plus the ­colours pink and gold are apparently good for positive chakra vibes.

I have noticed how all the fun activities seem to have other peoples names beside them so I need to add in some fun next to the “mum” column and no, an extra gin at night won’t cut it.

I also wanted to find a diary that was local so was able to source one from Pepper and Cute, created by Teresa Vera in Glasgow. She’s done very well for her first year after being selected as one of the 30 most influential people under 30 in UK stationery by the Giftware Association.

Her designs are very beautiful and I hope as a Scottish stationer, she does really well in the years ahead. It would be great to see her in more local shops.

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With my organisation tools sorted I wanted to add something to my daily routine that would give me the energy to stay focused through the start of the year. After a few weeks of living off sprouts, potatoes, coffee and biscuits I have to admit that I could be a little kinder to my insides.

My friend of 25-plus years recommended that we take really strong probiotics after she’d tried them and now swears by them, as do all her family. She looks fresh and more energetic so I’m giving it a go.

We ordered Optibac 20billion ­bacteria after trying out the 5 billion type (the higher the better) in a bid to have a gut more productive at soaking up nutrients and vitamins.

There is a lot to be said for having a healthy gut and Amanda Hamilton seems a great ambassador for the gut savvy.

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I’ve also tried a few Vitspritz vitamin sprays and adult gummy vitamins for on the go, they both taste a lot ­better than a bland multi-vitamin ­tablet so I’ve no excuses.

The Christmas brain fog is ­definitely still lingering but I’m ­hoping that come the summer I’ll be feeling great with my happy vitamin-filled gut and organisation skills on fleek.

Then there definitely won’t be any excuse for me tuning up for the school Christmas Fair in the middle of June!