Feel the bairn-buggy burn: how to keep baby happy and get fit – Hayley Matthews

Baby Oryn loves to go in his buggy for a run – and Hayley is feeling the benefits too. Picture: GettyBaby Oryn loves to go in his buggy for a run – and Hayley is feeling the benefits too. Picture: Getty
Baby Oryn loves to go in his buggy for a run – and Hayley is feeling the benefits too. Picture: Getty
Jogging with baby Oryn in a buggy seems to keep my livewire kid happy while I get out the house, writes Hayley Matthews.

Everyone said to me that the second child would be the “quiet one”, but this has turned out to not be the case. Baby No.2 is wild!

He needs constant entertaining or he’ll search for it himself. He currently won’t go in a car seat without a stand-off which has been causing some issues lately. Oh, and anyone wondering how strong a toddler can be when they don’t want to go in a car seat – imagine The Hulk planking, not budging as a team of people lift him into a vehicle, and you’re starting to getting close.

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We can’t have days at home because baby Oryn somersaults off the sofa, climbs on the windowsills (he’s only just started walking) and I just need to get out. I was put off long walks after I had to stop going round Arthur’s Seat because I’d been caught squatting behind the pram, having a pee in the bushes. It’s a mum thing – weak bladder and I panic pee. So after 30 minutes of negotiating with a toddler to sit in the buggy it’s toilet time again for me!

We’ve slowly run out of things to put him in, just to keep him entertained for a few minutes – think a jumperoo, the high chair and even recently, the buggy. He’s a live wire so we had to come up with something he likes to sit in so normality could be restored.

Cue my solution – jogging with bairn in the buggy. Three wheels, dashing about and Oryn can see what’s going on. We get fairly speedy and Oryn loves it – it’s been a game-changer. One day last week I was up to 25,000 steps, and that’s saying something from a mumma with a big jelly booty and the fitness levels of Ann Widdecombe.

The first buggy we had I couldn’t even get him in it for more than 20 minutes. However, we’ve recently been using the Phil & Ted’s Dash buggy and it’s saved my sanity. You can jog or power walk at your own discretion as the wheels are big enough to handle a good speed plus there’s an anti-slip strap for safety. Loads of mums have been commenting on it and we’ve been loving a good power walk along Porty Promenade – or anywhere near public toilets.

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It’s been the most precious piece of equipment we’ve had and being able to do it easily with the Dash buggy has furnished me with some surprising benefits. My head is clearer due to the walks/jogs, my legs are more toned, Oryn sleeps easily in it and I can now carry home two bags of cat litter without fraying the tendons in my hands (again). The buggy envy has left me feeling like I’m rocking about in a Rolls-Royce. I’m even thinking of ditching the car for good and going full-time buggy!

I’ve no gym membership but decided that investing in good baby wheels would be a healthier choice. Even in the cold wet weather, I know a good walk blows away the cobwebs, so I’ve added in a cosy toes and voilà! You have a snug baby who looks like a chipolata.

One elderly man even said to me what he wouldn’t give to be wrapped up cosy like Oryn reclined in the buggy with me pushing him about.

Come to think about it, maybe he was coming on to me, must have been impressed with my wheels. As long as he wasn’t after a milky boob then we’re all good!

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