Edinburgh tenants left with ‘wires hanging from walls’ after bust firm leaves repairs unfinished

Cllr. Kevin Lang,  Liberal Democrat. Pic: Jon SavageCllr. Kevin Lang,  Liberal Democrat. Pic: Jon Savage
Cllr. Kevin Lang, Liberal Democrat. Pic: Jon Savage
Dozens of council tenants in the Capital have been left with unfinished repair work outstanding after a firm went into administration.

Following the issues at Dundee-based McGill contractors, resulting in the sudden loss of 374 jobs, 82 council tenants were left with wires hanging out of walls and other unfinished jobs after former workers downed tools.

Edinburgh City Council’s “immediate priority” was to deal with around ten properties where McGill’s were replacing kitchens and bathrooms and where residents were left with no kitchen units or white goods. There are more than 70 properties which are at later stages of the process with outstanding work including jobs such as tiling. A councillor has called for the authority to keep residents informed during the process.

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Liberal Democrat ward Cllr Kevin Lang, said: “McGill may have been based in Dundee but the impact of the company’s collapse has  been felt in homes right across Edinburgh.

“A number of properties were left in a truly dreadful condition when the business ceased operating. One family in Muirhouse in my own ward literally had wires hanging out of their walls, no working cooker or washing machine, and their floors are all ripped up. Thankfully, officials were able to arrange emergency works. However, the completion of the new kitchens and bathrooms still remain outstanding.

 “I appreciate this disruption was sudden and unexpected. However, the council needs to make sure affected residents in Muirhouse and other parts of the city are kept properly informed and that alternative arrangements are put in place to ensure they get the improvements they were promised.”

 A council spokeswoman, said: “We’ve worked hard to contact all tenants with work under way including visiting them to ensure work carried out by McGill is completed over the next few weeks.

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 “Over the last week we have been prioritising work so that no one is left without a toilet, washing and cooking facilities. If anyone has concerns they should contact housing property – 0131 529 5969 or repairs direct – 0131 200 2345.”

McGill previously said it had jobs scheduled and it had sought a loan before slumping into administration.