Lynne McCrossan: Get a little help from a friend in dress-making

There is a new woman in my life. Her name is Isla Skye.

She isn’t real. It’s almost as if I have a grown-up version of an imaginary friend, except this time I get to share her awesome wardrobe.

As the dress-making challenge continues to pick up pace I’ve found that visualising a little hipster lass helps while staring at row upon row of uncut cloth.

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Isla came to me while sitting on the floor at Carolyn Baxter’s. Dotted around her Dalry design studio are floor-length frocks that melt your heart.

They are feminine in fit and name. The Ava dress gave me food for thought as it hung behind the door fresh from appearing on The Bachelor.

I’m still stealing an afternoon a week of Carolyn’s time, which is helping the clothes I’m challenged to make and wear go from homemade horrors to designer dreams.

Every time I bring a sample to show Carolyn she pushes me to make it look better aesthetically, and visualise it on a person. And instead of paying her tuition fees for the pleasure, I bring buns.

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Isla is a perfect fusion between Carolyn’s glam, feminine and pristine style merged with my messy, rock ‘n’ roll, print-obsessed look.

I think Isla might be the coolest imaginary friend I’ve ever had.