Covid lockdown's quiet streets are no excuse for speeding and driving like a maniac – Hayley Matthews

Hayley Matthews is furious with drivers breaking the speed limit in urban roadsHayley Matthews is furious with drivers breaking the speed limit in urban roads
Hayley Matthews is furious with drivers breaking the speed limit in urban roads
Hayley Matthews has tried shouting at speeding drivers on urban streets, but it makes no difference

Things still feel very different outside, it’s so much quieter. There’s a stillness in the morning and night like never before and it’s lovely.

The only thing that seems to break the peace an quiet just now are the lunatics who are speeding. I hear people tearing down the road at 60mph-plus easily, and that’s in a 30 zone.

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So many people are speeding out their nut in heavily built-up areas with lots of people on foot crossing roads, and it’s ridiculous! Maybe their dinners are on the table.

I‘m not sure why the urgency but the few cars that do seem to be on the road all seem to be in a massive hurry. I’ve even shouted at them, although it makes no difference.

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Three drivers caught speeding - two over 90mph - on roads around Edinburgh durin...

But it’s worrying because we really need to be keeping the roads safe just now for all those who are going out for messages or their daily walk, and we don’t want any more people in hospital than we already have – so please slow down, especially when we have more kids than ever out walking with their parents.

We also need to be mindful of those who are vulnerable – the people who don’t hear as well as others, who are partially sighted or very elderly and frail. We need to look out for them all.

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I’ve seen so many cars whizzing through red lights, driving like lunatics and zooming about that it worries me greatly, so much so that I’ve even thought about getting one of those things that the police use to throw out and puncture the wheels of cars to stop them. I wish I had a Taser to zap the speeding idiots!