Nigel Farage modelled his career on Alex Salmond

Nigel Farage has proved unpopular in Edinburgh.  Picture: Julie BullNigel Farage has proved unpopular in Edinburgh.  Picture: Julie Bull
Nigel Farage has proved unpopular in Edinburgh. Picture: Julie Bull
Ukip leader Nigel Farage has revealed that he used Alex Salmond as a model to raise his own profile in British politics, but he was unhappy with his reaction to the ‘Edinburgh incident’.

According to the Sunday Post, Farage said that Mr Salmond’s decision to step down as the SNP’s Holyrood leader in 2000, along with his subsequent return in 2004, was the ideal template to rise to prominence.

Farage wakled out on the Ukip leadership in 2009 due to exhaustion, but returned just a year later in a move which echoed the previous career moves of Scotland’s First Minister.

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Farage said: “I was burnt out, but I’d seen what Alex Salmond had done. He’d walked away then come back a few years later on his own terms.”