Game of Thrones and Ghostbusters' stars set to appear at Edinburgh comic con

Photographer Ian Georgeson, 07921 567360
EIFF, Whisky Galore Premier, Festival Theatre
James CosmoPhotographer Ian Georgeson, 07921 567360
EIFF, Whisky Galore Premier, Festival Theatre
James Cosmo
Photographer Ian Georgeson, 07921 567360 EIFF, Whisky Galore Premier, Festival Theatre James Cosmo
On the big screen, they have battled supernatural forces and armies of the undead.

And now, characters from two of the most popular entertainment franchises of all time are set to appear at Scotland’s largest comic book show.

Game of Thrones star James Cosmo - who appears as Joer Mormont in the hit HBO fantasy drama - and Ghostbuster Ernie Hudson will be appearing at the Comic Con Scotland show in November, the organisers have confirmed.

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The event, which welcomes thousands of visitors every year, takes place over the weekend of November 10-11 at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre.

Hudson found fame as Zeddemore in the Ghostbusters franchise, starring alongside Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd and Harold Ramis as one of the four parapsychologists battling supernatural beings throughout New York.

He also had a cameo role in the 2016 all-female reboot of the franchise and appeared as Sergeant Darryl Albrecht in The Crow.

Other appearances include Once Upon a Time, Twin Peaks, Torchwood and Superman.

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On the big screen, Cosmo has recently appeared as Field Marshall Haig in superhero blockbuster Wonder Woman and Renton’s father in T2: Trainspotting.

However he is perhaps best known for his portrayal of Campbell alongside Mel Gibson’s William Wallace in Braveheart.

Both men will be signing autographs and posing for pictures with fans during the event.

Tickets for the Saturday and Sunday sessions are on sale now.