‘Freezing’ Edinburgh shop repairs heating system after staff threaten walk out

The Range at Milton Link was criticised over its faulty heating system.The Range at Milton Link was criticised over its faulty heating system.
The Range at Milton Link was criticised over its faulty heating system.
A “freezing” home and garden store in the Capital is “actioning” repairs to a broken heating system after the Evening News turned the heat up on them.

On Saturday the Evening News exclusively reported that staff members at The Range at Milton Link in Edinburgh had been threatened with losing their jobs after they proposed a walk out due to the temperature in-store.

Staff members who wished to remain anonymous said that a number of workers were “more mature” and had been “on the verge of passing out”.

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One staff member was suspended after wearing a bodywarmer from the shop floor which they returned at the end of their shift.

The heating system in the shop – “just in a huge metal warehouse” – has been broken for some time – several staff members speculated that the freezing conditions were due to cutbacks to save money.

One ex-staff member said: “I don’t see the situation getting any better. If the minimum wage goes up it’s going to get worse – heating it going to be cut, staff budgets and payroll, general maintenance – the cutbacks are putting staff’s health at risk.

“When I was there everyone was complaining that it was freezing, management were providing heaters but employees’ health was definitely being put at risk by seniors to make cutbacks.”

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Staff members have now said that the area manager has been to the store and “seems to finally be listening”.

Several employees told the Evening News that they appreciated the support shown from the public following the article, with hundreds of readers expressing shock.

Mary Hastie, from Edinburgh, commented: “My friend and I were in today and felt so sorry for the girl on the till who told us she had no heater and was so cold she couldn’t even think straight.”

Donna Paterson, from Edinburgh, added: “Been in a few times over the last couple of weeks and it was baltic.

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“The member of staff I spoke with had umpteen layers on and was still freezing.”

Kirstie Hainsworth from Edinburgh said: “I commented to the staff they it was colder in the store than outside!”

Despite being initially unwilling to comment on the situation, The Range have now responded.

A spokesperson said: “The Range in Edinburgh has been provided with temporary heaters to use following the in-store heating system stopping working. The works to repair the heating are a priority and will be actioned as soon as possible.”

The Range have not responded to questions regarding the suspended staff member.

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