Dog attack victim left in need of surgery

Margaret Wilson of Penicuik with her dog Caley, which was attacked by another dog during the Penicuik Hunter and Lass event. Pic taken 5/6/17Margaret Wilson of Penicuik with her dog Caley, which was attacked by another dog during the Penicuik Hunter and Lass event. Pic taken 5/6/17
Margaret Wilson of Penicuik with her dog Caley, which was attacked by another dog during the Penicuik Hunter and Lass event. Pic taken 5/6/17
A savage dog attack has left a Dalkeith woman and her pet with horrific injuries, just days after a similar incident saw another dog injured at the Penicuik Hunter and Lass parade.

The latest incident left the woman in need of plastic surgery.

Lynda Thomson (65) fought to save her Yorkshire terrier from being mauled and suffered severe injuries to both hands during the attack at 3.30pm last Friday in Kings Park.

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All the while, she says, the out-of-control dog’s owner did nothing to stop it.

The terrifying ordeal was eventually stopped when two motorists rushed from vehicles to wrestle the dog away.

Mrs Thomson has had to undergo plastic surgery treatment at St John’s Hospital, Livingston, for injuries to her hands and now faces the prospect of further surgery.

Her pet was also rushed to a nearby vets to undergo emergency surgery for a large open wound to the back of the head.

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Mrs Thomson’s nephew Scott Thomson: “This was a ferocious attack which caused shocking injuries to both my aunt and her dog. I dread to think what might have happened had it been a child that was attacked.”

A police spokesman said: “The pit bull is described as female, silver/grey in colour, with pale eyes, a strong build, around 2ft 5in tall standing and was wearing a fabric collar. Anyone who may have witnessed the attack, or recognises the description, is urged to get in touch as soon as possible.”

The attack follows an incident at the Penicuik parade, where a runaway dog savaged a pet spaniel, leaving it close to death.

The dog, described as an English bull mastiff, had attacked horses in the parade before being kicked by one of them and bolting, jumping a garden fence and running into the house through an open door, where it attacked 12-year-old King Charles spaniel Caley, who was lying sleeping on the floor.

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Margaret Wilson (69), a former councillor, said her husband fought to drag the other dog off.

Caley was treated for a serious bite wound which had reached down to his spine. He was in intensive care and was only released home at the weekend.

The family had been unable to visit their beloved pet as he was sedated and it was feared having to leave would upset him more.

Margaret said her husband had been so upset he had to be treated for shock.

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“The other dog has been put down and we are waiting to hear if the police are taking any further action,” she said.

“It is just lucky that it wasn’t a child that was attacked. A lot of parents who saw it were grabbing their children out of the way.”

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