West Lothian homeowner 'devastated' after house broken into and Toyota Yaris stolen

The break in occurred at Woodhead Grove (Pic: Google Maps)The break in occurred at Woodhead Grove (Pic: Google Maps)
The break in occurred at Woodhead Grove (Pic: Google Maps)
Police are looking to speak to anyone with information, a dog walker and those with dashcam footage

Police in West Lothian are appealing for information after a house in Armadale was broken into and a car was stolen.

The incident happened on Wednesday 12 February at around 1:50am

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The house on Woodhead Grove was broken into and some personal effects were stolen from inside.

Those responsible also stole a red Toyota Yaris with the registration number SK69 0MJ, that had been parked outside.

Police seek details on 'silver car'

Constable Kirstie Mauchline from the Crime Team based at West Calder Police Station said: “The householder is devastated that his home has been broken into and his car stolen. Those responsible must be caught as soon as possible.

“Officers have been carrying out extensive enquiries in the local area and studying a range of CCTV footage. We are working to identify a silver car seen in the area, and trace its occupants. The small silver hatchback car was seen driving into Woodhead Grove from the A89 early on Wednesday morning before the incident took place.

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"Shortly afterwards, four men wearing dark-coloured clothing, were seen running in Woodhead Grove. The stolen Yaris car was last seen heading along the A89 towards Bathgate.

“I would like to hear from anyone who was driving in the local area on Wednesday morning who may have seen the stolen red Toyota Yaris, the small silver hatchback or these men acting suspiciously.

"In particular, I would like to speak to a dog walker seen near the junction of the A89 and Woodhead Grove just after the incident, as they may have witnessed something vital to this enquiry."

Anyone with information, or drivers on the A89 in Armadale at that time with dashcam are asked to contact West Calder Police Station through 101 quoting reference number 0267 of 12, February.

Alternatively Crimestoppers can be contacted on 0800 555 111, where anonymity can be maintained.