Police stop 7 motorists for driving too close to cyclists in Musselburgh

Police stopped and spoke with seven cyclists in Musselburgh. Pic: Police ScotlandPolice stopped and spoke with seven cyclists in Musselburgh. Pic: Police Scotland
Police stopped and spoke with seven cyclists in Musselburgh. Pic: Police Scotland
Police stopped and warned seven motorists yesterday for driving too close to cyclists in Musselburgh.

Road Policing officers from Dalkeith and local East Lothian officers were in the town as part of 'operation close pass.'

This initiative involves a police cyclist who has cameras fitted to the front and rear of their bike. The police cyclist travels on a section of road and if any motorist passes too close or dangerously, they radio ahead to other officers and then the vehicle is stopped and dealt with appropriately.

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As part of this operation, at the stopping site, there is a mat which gives a graphic illustration of the space a motorist should give when safely passing cyclists.

The police cyclists had cameras attached to their bikes. Pic: Police ScotlandThe police cyclists had cameras attached to their bikes. Pic: Police Scotland
The police cyclists had cameras attached to their bikes. Pic: Police Scotland

Throughout the day, seven drivers were stopped for a 'chat on the mat' and 10 other drivers were warned for speeding in the area.

But two cyclists were also warned for other offences, which would typically include dangerous cycling.

Two other vehicle excise licence offences were detected as well which related to heavy goods vehicles.

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In a statement released on social media, police said: "Now days are brighter for longer you will undoubtedly see more cyclists out enjoying East Lothian's roads.

"Remember no one has more of a right to use a road than another. EVERYONE is equally entitled so let's share OUR roads responsibly.

"Look out for others and help us make East Lothian roads #SafeRoadsForAll."