More than 20,000 sign '˜Justice for Shaun Woodburn' petition

A petition has been launched seeking 'justice for Shaun Woodburn'A petition has been launched seeking 'justice for Shaun Woodburn'
A petition has been launched seeking 'justice for Shaun Woodburn'
A petition demanding justice for Shaun Woodburn after his killer was sentenced to four years in jail has soared past 20,000 signatures.

The milestone was passed just before 3pm as people clamoured to put their name to the online plea.

Shaun was killed following a disturbance after celebrating New Year with friends and family.

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His killer was sentenced to four years in jail after being convicted of culpable homicide.

A petition has been launched seeking 'justice for Shaun Woodburn'A petition has been launched seeking 'justice for Shaun Woodburn'
A petition has been launched seeking 'justice for Shaun Woodburn'
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The petition, which is launched under the name of Kevin Woodburn reads: “Please support this petition to appeal the sentences given today by Lady Stacey , in the case of my son Shaun Woodburn.

“Shaun was killed in a needless act of violence and if you agree that a 4 year custodial sentence with an 18 month supervisory order DOES NOT represent justice , then please support our petition to the first minister of scotland , and the justice minister for scotland, and finally the Lord Advocate.

The family and friends of Shaun have expressed their dismay at the sentence with the mother of the tragic footballer saying it was an ‘insult to her family’

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A tribute to tragic ShaunA tribute to tragic Shaun
A tribute to tragic Shaun

“Help us get justiceforshaunwoodburn , and tell the authorities that this is not acceptable justice.

Thank you for your support.”

The petition is firmly on track to surpass its target of 25,000 signatures within 24 hours.