Midlothian Crimebeat March 7-13

Stock photo by John Devlin.Stock photo by John Devlin.
Stock photo by John Devlin.
Here is your weekly round-up of crime in Midlothian, for March 7-13, as reported by Police Scotland.


On the morning of Wednesday, March 9, a mountain bike was stolen from Dalkeith high School campus. Police are following a positive line of enquiry.

On Sunday, March 13, a woman was observed by officers exiting a public house in the Woodburn area of Dalkeith and causing a public disturbance. She was subsequently issued with a Recorded Police Warning and moved on from the area.


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On Tuesday, March 8, a 20 year old man was found to be in possession of a small quantity of cannabis in the Easthouses area. The cannabis was seized and the man was issued with a Recorded Police Warning.


On Monday, March 7, a 58 year old man was charged in connection with taxi fraud after failing to pay for a taxi fare in Gorebridge. A report has been submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.


Overnight March 8/9 a red Honda 420 Quad bike and a red Honda 500 Quad bike were stolen from a shed at a farm located in the Silverburn area, near to the A702. The Honda 420 was subsequently traced by police. Enquiries are currently ongoing to trace the outstanding vehicle.


On Wednesday, March 9, between 9:20pm and midnight, at Campview Road, Bonnyrigg, a garden shed was broken into and numerous items taken. Police enquiries are ongoing.

Anyone who has information regarding any of these crimes can contact police immediately on 101.

Alternatively, an anonymous report can be made to the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111