Edinburgh woman showed ex-girlfriends naked pictures of each other

Fay Ritchie.Fay Ritchie.
Fay Ritchie.
A WOMAN who showed her former lesbian girlfriends naked pictures of each other has escaped being placed on the sex register.

Fay Ritchie, from Broomhouse, was sent the explicit selfies by her two exes while they were partners but went on to humiliate the pair by showing off the images after breaking up with them.

Ritchie was caught showing one ex naked images of a woman while she scrolled through her phone at work in a capital call centre in November 2016.

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“I was disgusted with her - it made me think what she’d done to myself,” her victim, now 23, from Gorgie, told the Evening News.

Ritchie then went on to deliberately show a second woman two explicit photos of the former lover she showed the first photos to.

Her victim added: “I was signed off work for a month with anxiety. I was put on medication, beta blockers. I withdrew completely and didn’t go out,” said

Ritchie had denied the charges and appeared in the dock at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Friday where she was found guilty following a two-day trial.

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But Sheriff Micheal O’Grady QC decided not to place Ritchie, 41, on the sex offenders register and instead dished out a community payback order.

The sheriff said: “There always arises in these cases the question whether there is a substantial sexual element which would require notification.

“I am minded to take the view that standing the nature of these offences that is not my intention.”

Ritchie denied any of the events happened and during her evidence claimed the two women had colluded with each other in a bid to frame her.

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Solicitor Joe Boyd, defending, said the sordid tale between the three women was “ a tangled web” and asked Sheriff O’Grady to acquit his client.

But the sheriff found Ritchie guilty of two charges of intentionally causing two women to look at sexual images between November 1 and 30, 2016.

The sheriff said he did not find Ritchie’s evidence to be “credible or reliable” and rejected her versions of events.

Ritchie was ordered to carry out 75 hours of unpaid work in the community.