Edinburgh police praise Portobello visitors over Easter weekend

Over the Easter weekend, social distancing guidelines were followed at Portobello beachOver the Easter weekend, social distancing guidelines were followed at Portobello beach
Over the Easter weekend, social distancing guidelines were followed at Portobello beach
Police in Edinburgh praised residents following government guidelines about social distancing over the weekend as they patrolled Portobello Beach.

Despite the warm spring sunshine, residents were urged to stay indoors over the Easter weekend and to only leave the house for essentials including food shopping and one form of exercise a day.

On Twitter, Edinburgh Police North East commented: “You may see more of us out in your local area. Community Cop PC Blackmore was on Portobello Promenade yesterday (Sun) and pleased to see so many people keeping their distance and staying home during Easter weekend following @scotgov guidance.”

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Saturday afternoon saw police at Portobello reminding young people to move on following a fresh plea from the First Minister for Scots to stay at home to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

The "vast majority" of Scots are complying with the lockdown measures, Ms Sturgeon said on Friday at her coronavirus briefing in Edinburgh, and those who have broken the rules are a "tiny minority" of the population.

Police Scotland have issued more than 500 fixed penalty fines to people who have not complied with the latest lockdown rules.