Club bouncer saves woman dragged into a dark close

A NIGHTCLUB bouncer intervened to prevent a man allegedly trying to drag a female reveller into a dark vennel in the early hours of Friday morning.

Doorman Jamie Gillan, 26, came to the aid of the woman after spotting a man allegedly yanking her hand behind her back and trying to force her into a close in the Cowgate.

The bodybuilder left his post at Rush Nightclub to help the woman, who just managed to break free and run off before he arrived.

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Mr Gillan informed the police about the incident by flagging down a passing patrol car.

Speaking to the News, the weightlifter said: “This guy had been walking about the different pubs in the area and at one point someone was going to hit him outside the Beehive.

“I had been keeping an eye on him because of this and then I saw him grabbing a girl by the shoulder.

“She was trying to fight him off and it looked like he was trying to put her hand up behind her back and drag her away.

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“He looked to be really drunk and she started to fight him off and managed to break free and run away.

“I had run over but she was off. I then phoned the police and flagged down a passing police car.”

Mr Gillan added: “He seemed to be trying to grab her and it looked like he was trying to pull her into a close between Bannermans and the Banshee Labyrinth.

“It was dark and there’s no cameras or anything down there.

“Earlier he had come into my pub near closing time and I told him he couldn’t come in, but he said his girlfriend was in there and would only be a few minutes, so he went in.

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“I then found him sitting with a drink inside and had to throw him out. So he was obviously quite crafty.”

Police said they had detained a man in relation to the incident, which took place at around 3am.

Detectives are now urging anyone who saw anything suspicious to come forward and are also keen to trace the woman who was involved.

The detained man is helping police with their enquiries.

A police spokesman said: “Our enquiries are ongoing to determine the full circumstances surrounding this incident and anyone with information that can assist with our investigation is asked to contact police immediately.