Amanda Cox: Fundraiser for tragic mum hits double £6000 target in just 3 days

The fundraiser for tragic young mum Amanda Cox has raised double its target in just 3 days.The fundraiser for tragic young mum Amanda Cox has raised double its target in just 3 days.
The fundraiser for tragic young mum Amanda Cox has raised double its target in just 3 days.
A FUNDRAISER to help with funeral costs for tragic mum Amanda Cox has raised more than double its £6,000 target in just three days.

The 34-year-old was found dying in a rarely used stairwell at the Royal Infirmary on Monday night seven hours after being reported missing from a maternity ward.

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Amanda Cox: Gofundme for tragic mum raises more than £8000 in a day

Family friend John Clarkson set up the page to help Mrs Cox’s grieving husband Michael and their baby boy Murray who was born two months premature.

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As of midday on Saturday, more than 500 donors had contributed a whopping £12,400 to Mr Clarkson’s appeal, which is being hosted on fundraising site

The fundraiser initially had a £2000 goal, but that was soon increased to £6000 when John saw the donations flying in. It has now managed more than double that amount.

Among the donors are Amanda Cox’s friends, family as well as members of the public.

Part of the total has been gifted from darts players and clubs up and down the country, many of whom are ex-teammates of Mrs Cox who was a keen darts player herself.

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A review has been ordered by health chiefs into the tragic death of Mrs Cox, of Peebles, who is understood to have suffered a haemhorrage before collapsing.

The Amanda Cox fundraiser can be accessed here.