Why Susan Morrison is one of the most inspirationl people of 2019 – Vladimir McTavish

Susan Morrison's an inspirational figure. Picture: Gareth EastonSusan Morrison's an inspirational figure. Picture: Gareth Easton
Susan Morrison's an inspirational figure. Picture: Gareth Easton
Fellow Evening News columnist Susan Morrison has been making audiences howl with laughter desite a life-threatening illness, writes Vladimir McTavish.

Who have been the most inspiring figures of 2019? Greta Thunberg’s name would probably be on many people’s list for her courageous stance on climate change. I have to confess I actually forgot her name, so I had to Google her, which is why “sixteen-year-old Swedish schoolgirl” is now in my browsing history.

Andy Murray would doubtless gain many people’s votes due to his remarkable comeback from a career-threatening injury. Joanna Cherry’s holding the Government to legal account would make her a popular choice in some circles. Scottish rugby legend Doddie Weir’s fight against motor neurone disease, and his fundraising efforts to find a cure, has touched the hearts of the entire nation, sports fans or not.

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I don’t need to look far to think of one of the most inspirational people of the year, as I have the good fortune of working alongside Susan Morrison every evening this week, as part of The Stand Comedy Club’s Hogmanay Festival shows.

Susan is well-known to News readers as she writes a regular weekly column for this paper. Indeed, over the past 18 months, she has chronicled her battle against cancer in these pages. Not only has Susan Morrison fought against a life-threatening illness, she has got up on stage with a smile on her face week-in, week-out and continued to make audiences howl with laughter. She is a consummate professional and an absolute joy to work with.

A true inspiration, and someone I am immensely proud to have as a friend, we will be raising a glass together at the Bells. To your future good health, Susan! Here’s tae ye! Wha’s like Ye? Fair few, indeed.