Hero who saved man's life at Edinburgh bus stop is found

Lesley SinclairLesley Sinclair
Lesley Sinclair
A MYSTERY hero credited with saving the life of a desperately ill man has been tracked down by the Evening News.

Security guard Richard Clowes woke up in the Royal Infirmary with severe septic shock from an infected pacemaker but had no memory of how he got there.

After an emotional appeal for readers’ help, Edinburgh bus station worker Lesley Sinclair came forward to recall how she found Richard semi-conscious and raised the alarm.

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Patient in plea to trace city bus driver who saved his life
Richard Clowes is recovering in hospitalRichard Clowes is recovering in hospital
Richard Clowes is recovering in hospital

“I didn’t know what was wrong but I just knew something wasn’t right,” said Lesley, 35, from Bonnyrigg. “That’s why I had to do something. I’m just glad he’s ok.”

Operations manager Lesley was on duty at the Elder Street terminus when she noticed Richard slumped on a bench shortly after coming on shift.

“I was just doing initial checks, making sure everything was ok. I was just walking round and the station was busy because of the Christmas markets.

“This man just stood out. He had a very pale complexion and was looking a bit disorientated and not really with it.

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Richard Clowes is recovering in hospitalRichard Clowes is recovering in hospital
Richard Clowes is recovering in hospital

“It was almost like he was trying to speak, trying to communicate but couldn’t.”

So Lesley alerted colleague Bill Wilkinson who agreed help was needed before phoning police and ambulance.

“There were blue lights galore,” recalled Lesley. “A girl from the private ambulance in St Andrew Square ran round.

“They were there very, very quickly and took control of the situation.”

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Police officers checked Richard’s pockets and found ID confirming he was from Fife and also his diabetic kit.

Richard was taken to hospital by ambulance and that was the last Lesley heard – until she read his appeal in the Evening News.

“I saw the paramedic the next day and asked her if she’d heard anything but she said ‘no’ but that I’d done the right thing because he was very poorly.

“I read the story and I thought I recognised the guy’s face. I showed it to my colleague and he said his face rings a bell – it’s that man we helped!”

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Richard, 42, is now recovering on a general ward after spending nearly a month fighting for his life in intensive care.

His partner Shirley Connolly, 45, is expecting him to be transferred closer to their Fife home soon and spoke to Lesley by phone yesterday.

“She’s lovely and I just thanked her,” said Shirley.

“Richard is delighted and we’re both really happy because it’s a bit of closure as we didn’t know where he was found or who contacted the 

“It was a mystery and there was quite a long gap. It’s good to know there’s people out there who will help. It’s such a relief for Richard because he could’ve died.”

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Lesley and Bill’s actions drew praise from city bosses 

Transport Convener Councillor Lesley Macinnes said: “My heartfelt thanks go out to Lesley and Bill, whose quick thinking and professionalism helped ensure Mr Clowes received the urgent medical attention he needed. Our bus station caters to around six million passengers every year and every staff member is fully first aid trained.

“I am so glad that there was a happy outcome for Mr Clowes and his family. The way that our colleagues reacted is something we are very proud of.”

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