Edinburgh publican creates ‘emergency info cards’ in bid to save drinkers’ lives

Alison Morrison (right), pub manager at the Black Rose Tavern with assistant manager  Alison Wilson. Picture: ContributedAlison Morrison (right), pub manager at the Black Rose Tavern with assistant manager  Alison Wilson. Picture: Contributed
Alison Morrison (right), pub manager at the Black Rose Tavern with assistant manager Alison Wilson. Picture: Contributed
A PUB manager has launched emergency information cards to make nights out easier for drinkers and medics.

Alison Morrison, from the Black Rose Tavern in Rose Street, Edinburgh, said she often sees emergency services looking after people who have had a bit too much to drink.

She said one of the biggest issues they face is finding a next of kin contact when someone has taken ill.

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Alison Morrison runs the Black Rose Tavern on Rose Street. Picture: Lisa FergusonAlison Morrison runs the Black Rose Tavern on Rose Street. Picture: Lisa Ferguson
Alison Morrison runs the Black Rose Tavern on Rose Street. Picture: Lisa Ferguson

Her “In Case of Emergency” (ICE) cards can be filled with a family member or friend’s contact details and are designed to put in a wallet or card holder to make them readily available in an emergency. They also have space for important information such as allergies or medical conditions.

“The cards could help save lives,” Alison said.

“If someone is really not well, they give those important contact details, or information on any medical history that medics might need to know.”

She said she has seen a lot of incidents on the streets related to alcohol and drugs.

“We care a lot about people being safe and the hard work put in by emergency services.

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“I want to put the message out there to people that if you do enjoy a night out, just come and get one if these cards. It’s a really simple thing that can be so helpful for someone who falls ill, and the people assisting them.”


Alison and her team work closely with Street Assist, a team of volunteers providing first aid and welfare to those in need in the city centre.

She said the idea came from wanting to do more to help make their task easier.

“We do a lot to improve safety here at the pub, but we have also extended our help beyond just the drinker.

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“We have two schools on board with our cards so that they can give them to children in case they have an accident,” she added

Neil Logan, founder of Street Assist said the cards will help significantly.

“The biggest barrier for us when we are helping people is that we can’t access contact details. Phone’s have locks and it can take ages for a person to be compos mentis enough to tell us a number. Every single person we deal with just ends up wanting to go home. This is where the ICE cards will be invaluable because they will speed the process up.”